The senator told me
Project Seneludens ( is the attempt to address, through behavioral therapy, the consequences of aging. I requested an appointment, and after almost a year, I presented it to the Senator. My message: Let’s do something before it is too late. The Senator listened, liked everything, but finished our conversation with the following line: “We [the […]
Project Seneludens ( is the attempt to address, through behavioral therapy, the consequences of aging. I requested an appointment, and after almost a year, I presented it to the Senator. My message: Let’s do something before it is too late. The Senator listened, liked everything, but finished our conversation with the following line: “We [the government] are not pro-active. We react.”
Let me put the problem in simple terms: When, within the next 12 years, 25% of the population of the USA will qualify as elderly, it will be too late to react. Think about the possibility that the entire budget of the US government will not suffice to address the various responsibilities that society has regarding parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. These are the Americans who made the country rich and powerful. These are US, the post-WWII baby boomers, who paid their dues to society, which is reaching retirement.
I’ve met politicians, business people, and bureaucrats and tried to make them aware that we can prepare for a challenge that is without precedent. Everyone understands. Everyone is encouraging. Very few realize that before aging becomes an intractable problem, we need to start doing something now, so that people in their 40s and 50s start preparing.
Singapore is an island-nation. As far as I know, it is the only place on the face of the earth where aging is addressed in a proactive manner. Take a look at
And tell all the politicians you know: The aging will make a difference at the ballot box.
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