Regulation feeds corruption.

Immigration–A subject that will not go away

Immigration—A subject that will not go away Amnesty? Deportation? You name it. Everyone has an answer to the problem of illegal immigration. A secret alliance of senators came up with what is supposed to solve the problem for good. The radio waves are saturated with opinions about those who came here without following a legal […]

Immigration—A subject that will not go away
Amnesty? Deportation? You name it. Everyone has an answer to the problem of illegal immigration. A secret alliance of senators came up with what is supposed to solve the problem for good. The radio waves are saturated with opinions about those who came here without following a legal procedure, ranging from “Leave them alone” to “Send them back where they came from!” Some citizens complain about lost job opportunities, tax monies spent on illegals who need medical care and who—Thank God!—send their children to public schools. Others, from both sides of the border, deplore the emptying of small towns in Mexico because the men who are able to work choose to do so where there is work and money to be made. Not to be ignored: illegals march for their right to be acknowledged as the ones who clean homes, hotels, and hospitals, who mow lawns, who build homes, who cook and serve us in restaurants. No fear of deportation, who could even imagine deporting 12 million people (or more), never mind the many legal hurdles before someone is actually deported..
To solve the problem of millions of illegal immigrants in a day and age of loud slogans such as on global economy, multiculturalism, resource sharing, should not be too difficult. Actually, the answer is relatively clear: Build up economic ties on the continent in such a manner that the problem will go away on its own. Let me explain.
Canada, the USA, and Mexico are already part of NAFTA. The comical, big-eared billionaire candidate for the United States’ presidency in 1992 never got it right (cf. Save your job, save our country). And too many, politicians or simple citizens are getting it as wrong as he. An economic community that will make Mexico, with all its resources, attractions, and talented people, the country it can be will keep immigrants home and benefit the entire continent. More US citizens than currently is the case will actually decide to live and work there once the process of building up a viable economy in Mexico starts for good.
Walls? What for? Borders in a day and age of the declining significance of national states? Just stop applying the brakes of models from the past to the future. The USA was never ”one nation”, and should not act according to models that it made obsolete. As long as opportunities are only here at home, millions of individuals who want to give meaning to their life will seek a way to land on our shores. While the overly bureaucratic European Union is by far not a model of understanding the new dynamics of existence, one thing they got right: develop the countries that will make up a new-scale viable economic entity. The scale of the USA is such that it never had the problems Germany and France had: advanced industrial nations with little chance to preserve their standard of living within shrinking markets protected by national boarders. The European Union is not giving out gifts to the poorer nations of Europe. It is building a larger scale market, from which all those involved will benefit. We can do better on this huge continent, if we build up a sense of co-dependency in regard to prosperity, and co-responsibility in regard to resources.

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