Regulation feeds corruption.

Mona Lisa Looks at Us. And Smiles

Doi:10.20944/preprints201911.0074.v1 PDF In a short response to an article reporting on an experiment in perception, this text explains its various serious shortcomings. A contrasting empirical evaluation is provided with the aim of suggesting that the reductionist approach—reduction of dynamic to static visual perception is only one part of the larger subject—results in experiments that are […]


In a short response to an article reporting on an experiment in perception, this text explains its various serious shortcomings. A contrasting empirical evaluation is provided with the aim of suggesting that the reductionist approach—reduction of dynamic to static visual perception is only one part of the larger subject—results in experiments that are not reproducible.

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Posted in Anticipation, Art & Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Mind, Visualization

copyright © 2023 by Mihai Nadin